                    'For the Win', 'MirkoDiTV' texts and Amoguses on a pitch
                    black background

For the Win

MirkoDiTV's S3RL-like Creative Commons happy hardcore attempt.


Listen to For the Win here or on other platforms.

Video license: CC BY 4.0
Background GIF credit: S3RL (YouTube [non-free])

Get the song


Download For the Win here and listen to it in your favourite music player (recommended):

DRM-free streaming

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'Listen on SoundCloud' thingy 'Available at Bandcamp' thingy 'Listen on YouTube' thingy 'Listen on Jamendo' thingy

Other platforms

You can also get For the Win on the (proprietary) platforms below, although doing so is not recommended because of DRM (see Defective by Design).

'Listen on Amazon Music' thingy 'Listen on Spotify' thingy 'Listen on Apple Music' thingy


MirkoDiTV's first happy hardcore track, featuring a ton of bass and a substantial amount of drums. Composed, produced, mixed and mastered in libre DAW LMMS.

Some vocals are in the song too, to spice it up a little bit.

Thanks to my sister for telling me that the song felt like a "victory track", so I could come up with the title "For the Win".

Freely licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, you can share it, copy it, remix it, improve it and redistribute it at your will as long as you keep attribution and use the same license, under its terms. The LMMS project and other good stuffs can be found on the song's Git repo.

Background GIF credit: Carlos Zico Montibeller (YouTube [non-free])

Other info