Discord doing weightlifting surrounded by a powerful
                    white/light blue aura, very blurry. At the bottom, the text
                    'MirkoDiTV - Eurobeat Brony - Discord - Dubstep remix' is
                    visible, in all caps, in a green/light blue font colour.

Discord (MirkoDiTV remix)

The one and only King of Chaos is here.


Listen to Discord (MirkoDiTV remix) here or on other platforms.

Get the song


Download Discord (MirkoDiTV remix) here and listen to it in your favourite music player (recommended):

DRM-free streaming

Get it on these (proprietary :() platforms:

'Listen on SoundCloud' thingy 'Available at Bandcamp' thingy 'Listen on YouTube' thingy


This took way more than it should have. Please enjoy.

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